5 ways to handle rejection in love

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Rejection as a concept isn't something we are trained as individuals to cope with, However it is an experience we often encounter in our daily lives - be it personally or professionally. 

Especially when it comes to matters of the heart, handling rejection leaves a resounding impact on oneself. To be able to handle rejection thus comes as an ability that is based on an individual's understanding of relationships, circumstances and most importantly themselves. 

Here are some ways by Arouba Kabir, Mental Health Counselor, A wellness Coach and Founder, Enso Wellness that might help you cope up with rejection in matters of the heart - 

Understand that Whatever happens, happens for a reason. 

This mere realisation goes a long long way. Believing in yourself helps you battle the tough times. Staying positive may take alot of effort but having a positive outlook helps you rediscover yourself and move forward in life towards better and bigger things. 

Dont let a single rejection put you down. 

Often in life when things don’t work out, it probably means that there is something better which is waiting for us. To let rejection take over the emotions and our life and let it ruin our self confidence is not a beneficial approach. 

If you've faced rejection in love, understand the other person's circumstances and feelings and Respect them. A lot of people indulge into small talk after getting out of a relationship and belittle their former partner, doing this does more hard to our own mental health than doing any harm to them. 

Don't let negativity capture your mind and perpetuate over your thoughts and emotions, this negatively impacts your mental peace and acts as a roadblock in your progress. 

Forgive and move on 

When you love someone, you're all praise for them, you value their efforts and emotions. Over a period of time however all of this fades and when you face rejection suddenly in most cases, the feelings take a rampant turn and unleash a flurry of negative emotions. Doing so often puts one into a continuous downward spiral where in they question themselves, doubt the other persons intentions and often also lead to mischievous behaviour. 

It's important to understand that being a mature person requires one to elevate themselves above it all and not to indulge in such petty scenarios and let the negativity fuel inside them. 

Divert your mind /Learn something new

Investing your time re-living past hobbies, learning new skills or just taking a break works wonders for everyone. Be it inclusion in your workout routine or taking up a new course- the smallest of positive effort goes a long way in diverting your mind and helps you stay and feel positive as well as helps you levitate above and beyond all the sorrow and confusion the heart faces during such times. 

Practice Mindfulness 

Indulging in mindful habits allows a person to grow beyond the odds- physically, socially, mentally and spiritually. If you've faced rejection, dont think of it as a missed opportunity, Rather think of it as an opurtunity you've gained to revisit and rework on yourself. Connecting to your inner self helps you reach a state of calmness which prevents any outburst of rage which might impact everything negatively around you.

Rejection is a Phenomenon and the emotions associated with it are transient, However if theyre getting the best of you, its absolutely okay to reach out to someone who can help you, listen to you and guide you - it could be a friend, a family member or absolutely anyone you feel comfortable with. In circumstances where you find yourself feeling lonely and isolated, it's best to consult a professional and seek their help and advice to navigate through the turmoil in your head and emerge victorious through the tough times.

Source - IANS