Good support system makes it easier: Kareena on how she manages work, personal life

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Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan thinks one has to section the day well enough to be able to balance work and personal life. “When at work have 200 percent focus and when at home, be there physically and mentally,” she says.  

IANSlife speaks to the expecting mother, who recently collaborated with Netsurf’s health and wellness brand Naturamore, along with her husband and actor Saif Ali Khan. Read on 

How do you strike balance between work and personal care, especially when you are expecting?  

Kareena: I think one has to section the day well enough to be able to balance both ends. When at work have 200% focus and when at home, be there physically and mentally. A good support system at home and work can make it easier. The more control you have over your hours, the less stressed you are likely to be. 

How does your fitness regime look like? 

Kareena: It can be anything. On days it could be rigorous cardio, it could be calming yoga, intense Pilates. The idea is to do something everyday even if it’s only for 30 mins. Regular physical activity has so much positive impact on ones life including relieving stress, improving memory, increasing productivity and boosts overall mood. 

How do you ensure your family is fit from inside during these times?  

Kareena: Yes definitely. We make sure we have our intake of calcium, proteins and nutrients in the right portion. 

What changes has the pandemic brought to your daily diet? 

Kareena: My daily diet definitely includes fruits, homemade food and more importantly healthy food. However, indulging in something you crave and love is equally important to keep it going. 

How would you stress on the importance of being fit rather than thin, especially for women? 

Kareena: A women undergoes a lot changes in her body, right from be a teenage girl to a married to becoming a mother. I think it’s very important to be fit and healthy. To eat right food, right amount of exercise be it Yoga, running or exercising.  

Tell us about your association with the brand.  

Kareena: Naturamore as brand believes in right combination of science and nutrition. Being a working mom and a homemaker myself, I think watching your nutritional intake closely is the best thing you can do to stay fit. Right nutrition has always been the key to my health and wellness. Considering the speed of our life today, it’s difficult to always eat right. Naturamore helps to fill the gap. 

How do you resonate with its ideology?  

Kareena: I resonate very well to the brand`s ideology. Both Saif and I believe its very important to stay fit both externally and from within given the time all of us are going through, one`s immunity and strength plays a very important role in the overall fitness regime of an individual. 

What health advice do you have for your fans, especially women and those who have conceived amid this pandemic? 

Kareena: Exercise, eat right, meditate, sleep well and hydrate and you have got this. 

Source - IANS