How helpful are early management skills for children

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Kids in their formative years are inquisitive and highly adaptive to challenging situations, it is their zeal to learn something new that keeps them on their toes. When it comes to managerial skills, it's not something which one can learn by memorising any theory or by just sticking to a time table. These skills are more extensive and vary from person to person upon their regular habits and schedules.

"This is why children in the age group of 6-12 years, are in their best state of mind to become great managers and reap the benefits of this solid life skill in their later years," Speech Therapist and Audiology Specialist Swati Vijay tells IANSlife.

It is imperative for parents nowadays to inculcate early management skills in their children as in most of the nuclear families both parents are occupied with their professional work, notes the expert.

The little ones have to understand and be aware of their regular tasks; this can be something as simple as tidying up their cupboards, or just reaching their classes on time to major tasks such as completing their academic projects, and preparing for their exams.

To broadly sum it up, Vijay, who is also the Managing Director of Motion Kids, lists down major categories that parents must direct their focus on:

Behavioural management

This has far-reaching benefits for kids in terms of communication and their overall demeanour in a group setting. The nurturing of kids begins from their homes. So, it is very important for parents to keep a check on their daily engagement with people surrounding them such as the helping staff, their co-workers, neighbours and friends.

An important aspect to be addressed here is patience; behavioural management completely relies upon it. On a daily basis, an adult communicates with an average of 30-35 people, while a kid even though communicates with the similar number of people but on a day-to day basis is exposed to group settings more than the adults.

Rule of 7-38-55 can be an interesting concept to make your child understand the importance of behavioural management. The 7-38-55 rule is a concept concerning the communication of emotions. The rule states that 7 per cent of meaning is communicated through spoken word, 38 per cent through tone of voice, and 55 per cent through body language. Hence, due attention must be paid to all the three spheres for letting the kid develop confidence and ability to conduct themselves appropriately.

Emotional management

This is of the utmost importance in today's times when each individual is resorting to their screens for comfort and entertainment, that we are ultimately forming a filter bubble around us. This may sound as something trivial, but even the adults today are unable to manage this situation which unknowingly strengthen their already formed opinions, and blocks their flexibility to intake new opinions. The young ones must always be taught to have an open mind, as it will be an important catalyst for their mental growth. The smooth inflow of new thoughts also gives kids strength to be agile in their approach.

The parents must also direct their attention towards making their children develop strong will power. Even though growing up, the parents are always very protective about their kids but a balance must also be maintained for preparing them well to cope up the challenging adult life. The kids must realize giving up or escaping should not be the go to options every time for a task out of their comfort zone. It is necessary to break the boundaries sometimes to grow.

Money management

Skills such as money management are acquired as the children grow. Money management from the early years can help kids gain financial confidence and prepare them to sustain within a budget. It is extremely important to help the kids understand the difference between discretionary and essential expenses. Savings of the present times are treasure for the future. The habit of saving must be taught to the children with the help of managing their pocket money; the skill to bargain also comes handy and lets them weigh in the value of different commodities. Money management since beginning also makes the children rethink about their demands from parents; they tend to become more reasonable as they grow up instead of adamant.

Source - IANS