Men, there's a new fashion label on the block

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A new fashion label emerges with the thought that the beauty of this world lies in the symphony of juxtaposed elements -- calm and chaos; light and darkness; black and white. Allowing these elements to co-exist without putting them into boxes of convenience is where the brand 'No Grey Area' aims to create a sense of wonder.

It tries to create a world that embodies and mirrors a society which looks to the future with positivity, transforming the grey into the known. The brand aims to create an authentic narrative, by fusing Western aesthetics and the traditional pillars from the East to create a modernised Indian design aesthetic, where contemporary luxury comes together with the street.

Founded by Arnav Malhotra, a 25-year-old Business graduate from the University of Exeter, whose playground and training in the business of fashion has been at his family-run multi-designer concept store, Evoluzione. The main inspiration behind the brand came is New York City's counter-culture, rule-bending fashion trends that emerged at a grassroots level which was unabashedly based on individualism, rather than focusing solely on current fashion trends.

Speaking about the launch of his label, Malhotra says, "We wanted to create a brand that �explored the grey' and spurred conversations about real points of interest. One that transcends materialistic clothing and tell stories that start conversations � we are not here to preach and tell people what to think. The brand name is meant to be ironic � it's an oxymoron of itself. We want everyone to enter the grey, for there to be �NO GREY AREA'

The collection retails starting at Rs. 4,500/- onwards and includes t-shirts, resort shirts, long shirts, polos, dhoti pants, joggers, resort pants, bundis and band-galas and bomber jackets.

Source - IANS