Stilettos, miniature figures come alive in this unique art exhibition

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A unique virtual exhibition by Baroda-based artist Jignasha Ojha displays works that use elements from miniature painting tradition, infused with the modern visual of stilettos. On exhibition on The Art Platform's April edition, Ojha's works are presented by Gallery White.

Titled 'Second Skin', the virtual exhibition presents interesting paintings that have the motif of high heels as the central figure. The Art Platform (TAP) India is a platform for galleries, artists and art enthusiasts to continue engaging in conversations around modern and contemporary art.

"My work is inspired by Indian miniature paintings. In my works, I have juxtaposed popular images and Indian miniature figures and style. It is like making a movie, and writing a story which have examples of fusion of past and present. Characters of the past create an element of drama in my work, and often also give a message. Some times, they pose a question to our present society and its issues," Ojha told IANSlife.

The human figures rendered in typical miniature painting 'style' become motifs of sort. While reminding you of a bygone era, also read as agents of tradition and rigidity, their gesture and mannerisms are almost like those of the Gana Figures from reliefs in ancient Indian relief and sculptural traditions. These figures emote a range of behaviours from appreciative, to demeaning, and empathetic to cruel, writes Satyajit Dave.

Introducing them as stimulators or provocators in a scene with one large stiletto, heightens the overall emotive capacity of the picture. One first sees the stilettos, observes the various designs and patterns, and then the viewer's gaze moves across the work from one figure to the other, acts of poking spears, offering appreciation through incessant clapping, taking refuge, offering care and kindness, are some of the many gestures on display, he adds.

"The centrality of the composition forces the viewer to look beyond the obvious, and begin reflecting their experiences and form camaraderie with the metaphor of the stilettos. For the artist, the stilettos stand as a testament to the image of a woman. It is through this that the intentions of almost all male miniature figures becomes clear."

The exhibition can be accessed at

Source - IANS