Billionaire Industrialists Yohan and Michelle Poonawalla Invest 12cr in Pune Turf Club's Glorious Restoration

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For generations, one of the oldest and most iconic horse racingClubs in the country - the Royal Western India Turf Club - Pune has been more thanjust a venue; a hallowed ground where the spirit of racing pulses through every brickand beam. In a stunning transformation that marries heritage with contemporaryelegance,thankstoYohanPoonawallaandhis Foundation,whosevisionanddedication led to the restoration of the iconic Pune Turf Club. Yohan and MichellePoonawalla’s generous support has come as a lifeline to the club, enabling it  togeneratecrucialadditionalrevenue.

Thistimelyfinancialwindfallhasbeeninstrumental in bolstering the club’s revenue, contributing crores to the growth andsustainability of Indian horse racing and breathing new life into this historic landmarkwhilepreserving its timeless charm.

Michelle Poonawalla, philanthropist and entrepreneur is the creative force behind therenovationandhasmasterfullyblendedtheclub'sheritagewithcontemporarydesign.The result? A stunning fusion of old-world charm and modern opulence. A labour oflove spanning two years from 2022 to 2024, the newly renovated club is a testamentto the Poonawalla family’s deep-rooted passion for horse racing & breeding. Theextensive renovation encompasses a complete overhaul of the club's infrastructure,including the refurbishment of 24 guest rooms with modern amenities, receptionlobbies, public spaces and offices as well as the revitalisation of four charmingcottages,transformingthe historicspace.

Led by the artistic eye of Michelle Poonawalla and her team at MYP Design Studio,thetransformationisnothingshortofmiraculous.Thegrandballroom,withitsrestoredwooden ceiling and dazzling chandeliers, now exudes a regal charm that transportsmemberstoabygoneera.Theverandahsoncefadedremnantsofthepast,havebeenreborn as elegant spaces where time seems to stand still. Members can now winddown in the newly renovated card room, bar, lounge, and dining area. Beyond theinterior transformation, the club's exterior has also undergone a significant uplift. Thesprawlinglawnsandgardenshavebeenmeticulouslylandscapedandfenced,creatingasereneoutdoorspacefor relaxationandsafety.

"The Pune Turf Club holds a special place in our hearts. I have fond memories ofvisitinghereasachild.Yohanhasalwaysbeenverypassionateabouthisgrandfather's legacy and he always wanted to continue supporting the horse racingand breeding business along with his father." shares Michelle Poonawalla.

"Wewantedtohonouritsrichhistorywhilecreatingamodernspacethatwouldbeenjoyedby generations to come. It was essential to maintain the club's heritage, and we'vecarefully preserved elements like the design of the old doors and a few key furniturepieces.This renovation is more than just bricks and  mortar,i t’satributetoourfamily'sendur ingpassionforhorseracing&breeding.Wehopethisrevitalisedclubwillinspirefuturegenerationstoembracethesportand create lastingmemories.”

The Poonawalla Stud Farms, established (as the Poona Stud Farm) in 1946 byYohan’sgrand father the lateSoliA.Poonawalla is renowned for producing champions

 ontheracetrackandhasbeenanintegralpartofIndia'sracinglandscapefordecades.The family's commitment to the sport is evident in their unwavering support for thePuneTurf Club.

“The Pune Turf Club has always been a cornerstone of Pune's social and sportingfabric.WeareimmenselygratefultoYohanandMichellePoonawallafortheirextraordinary generosity and timely support. Their contribution has been pivotal inbolstering our club's financial standing at a time when it was most needed. We aresure that this newfound strength will propel us towards new heights, contributingsignificantly to the growth and prosperity of horse racing in India.” said Chairman ofthe Royal WesternIndia TurfClub Mr.SurenSanas.

AsthesunsetsovertherevampedPuneTurfClub,it'sclearthatthisismorethanjusta building. It's a symbol of a family's unwavering commitment to a beloved sport andatestament to the enduring spiritofhorseracing inIndia.

Source-PR Agency