Yoga and home remedies to help treat dengue

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Statistically, 1 in 20 people who are infected with dengue fever may go on to develop severe dengue. This can result in shock, internal bleeding, and even be fatal causing death. Infants and pregnant women are at higher risk for developing severe dengue.

Yoga builds immunity

A strong immune system helps you prevent dengue which can be developed through holistic practices like yoga. But if you have dengue, yoga can help in quick recovery from dengue fever. Strong immunity will also treat the initial symptoms of dengue.

Take care of your diet

Do not eat anything that is oily or spicy. Consume freshly cooked meals that have ingredients like black pepper and elaichi in them. Other immunity-boosting foods that you can add to your diet include citrus foods, garlic, almonds, turmeric and many more.

Practice the following asanas slowly. Do not hold for a long duration. You can also add pranayama exercises like Anulom Vilom and Brhamari pranayama to your routine.

Vajrasana - Thunderbolt pose

Formation of the Posture:

* Bring your knees down on your mat

* Rest your pelvis on your heels

* Keep your heels slightly apart from each other

* Place your palms on your thighs

* Straighten your back and look forward

Vrikshasana -- Tree Pose

Formation of the Posture:

* Stand tall, and place one foot on the opposite inner thigh, either above or below the knee. Open the leg to the side, bring your hands to prayer, and stay for five to eight breaths.

* Builds leg and abdominal strength

* Works on hip mobility

Paschimottanasana -- Seated forward bend

Formation of the Posture:

* Begin in Dandasana where your legs are stretched out forward

* Keep your knees slightly bent if needed

* Lift your arms up and keep your spine upright

* Exhale and bend forward

* Try to grip your toes with your fingers

* Hold the posture for 10 seconds

Savithri asana

Formation of the Posture:

* Drop your knees to the ground gently and keep your upper body straight.

* Start with Sukshma Vyayam or subtle exercises to warm up the body.

* Stretch your arms up to the sky with palms hovering shoulder distance from and facing each other.

* Look forward and hold


* Begin on your stomach

* Fold your knees to grab onto your ankles with your palms

* Inhale and lift your legs and arms up as much as you can

* Balance on your stomach

* Look up and hold the posture

Brahmari Pranayama


* Sit in any comfortable pose (such as Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan or Padmasana)

* Straighten your back and close your eyes

* Place your palms on your knees facing up (in Prapthi Mudra)

* Place your thumbs on the 'Tragus', the external flap outside on your ear.

* Place your index finger on your forehead; your middle finger on the Medial Canthus and ring finger on the corner of your nostril

* Inhale and fill your lungs with air

* As you exhale, slowly make a buzzing sound like that of a bee, i.e., "mmmmmmm...."

* Keep your mouth closed the entire time and feel the vibration of the sound disseminate throughout your body

This particular practice of Siddhohum Kriya can be done as a remedy to fluctuation of moods. It helps you to balance your energies and stay in a pleasant temperament. One of the most important and wonderful benefits of this practice is that it helps you maintain this mood and upgrade from there. It helps you align your body mind and spirit.

Tips by Himalayan Siddha, Grand Master Akshar

Source - IANS