Fashion, beauty items to be avoided on first date

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Getting ready for your first date? Avoid things like new dress and head scarf.

There are a few items that should never be worn on a first date, reports huffingtonpost. com

* Something brand new: Yes, you just bought it and are keen to wear it, but you definitely haven't ironed it out. Maybe your new skirt flies up when you walk or your new shoes give you blisters. All of these problems aren't ones you want to face while you're trying to impress someone new.

* A head scarf: It requires way too much readjusting and will most likely make your date wonder whether you have a headache or something.

* Anything out of the ordinary: If you're a girl who normally wears lip balm and mascara, a full face of make-up on the first date is misleading. If date one leads to date two and three, you're not going to continue to apply make-up all the time.

* A band T-shirt of a band you don't listen to: It will most likely result in some pretty awkward conversation.

Source - IANS

Image Source - Pexels